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Why become a member of Abilities Manitoba?

Membership in Abilities Manitoba affords organizations the opportunity to add their voice to those of most other organizations in our field. This in turn makes Abilities Manitoba a stronger advocate for the interests of the people we support.

Abilities Manitoba also provides networking opportunities for organizations facing similar issues. Even when distance prevents regular meeting attendance, meeting webcasts, minutes and other information are available to the entire membership, and we strive to reach out to the entire Province. Members also have the opportunity to partner with government personnel and third parties, forming working committees on particular interests and issues.

Abilities Manitoba brochure (PDF 499KB)

Who can become a member?

Membership is open to non-profit organizations that support our objectives and provide a service to Manitobans with intellectual disabilities (or intend to establish a service within a year).

Non-voting memberships are extended to related groups or individuals.

How does an organization become a member?

Organizations need to complete an application and, upon approval, pay the designated annual membership fee. Fees are calculated based upon 0.0004% of all CLdS funding. Organizations who do not receive CLdS funding but do deliver services to adults with intellectual disabilities are eligible for a full voting membership. Their membership fee is calculated based on 0.0004% of their Annual Budget.

Members in good standing are each allowed one vote at general and special meetings. For more information on memberships and associate memberships, please send an email to:

Renew Or Apply For Membership

Organizational Information

Please complete all sections. The address, general email address and website will be used to update member organizations on Abilities Manitoba’s website. Please note that your organization will be responsible to notify Abilities Manitoba of any changes to this information.

If you are experiencing difficulties completing your membership form, please contact

Fields marked with an asterisk * are required.

Executive Director / CEO

Please provide contact information for leader of the organization

Membership Fees

The organization membership fee is based on CLdS funding. If the organization is not funded by CLdS, the membership fee is 0.0004% of the annual budget of the organization. The minimum membership fee is $150. The maximum fee is $10,000. The organization will be invoiced accordingly.

CLdS Funding

If organization receives CLdS funding, please provide that value in order to calculate membership fee.

Approval Process

Final approval of this membership application will be based on review of application & receipt of the applicable membership fee. Upon approval an invoice will be emailed and payment can be made by cheque. Memberships expire March 31 annually.