Reconciliation Resources

Reconciliation Resource Hub

This resource hub, first released in October 2023, was developed to encourage discussion and action around the population of Indigenous people with developmental disabilities accessing community living services in Manitoba.

Indigenous people with developmental disabilities, in addition to being impacted by ableism, also have to deal with persisting colonial structures in our society, well established by longstanding legacies of policies like the Indian residential school system.

In order to achieve the best quality services for Indigenous people with disabilities, Abilities Manitoba believes it is imperative that we make our services culturally safe, ally our services with the goals of reconciliation, and draw more awareness to the experiences of Indigenous people with disabilities. Our full statement on truth and reconciliation is available here. .

Our hub is organized into three sections.

Recognizing that many current service providers may just be starting out on their reconciliation journey, the Reconciliation Basics section of our hub houses a host of resources about the history and present of Indigenous peoples in Canada.

The section For Agencies and Nonprofits highlights resources specific to our sector, lists a number of initiatives across the continent, introduces the concept of cultural safety and has resources on how to write territory/land acknowledgments.

Our final section is an Academic Bibliography, gathering all the resources we can find on the intersection between Indigeneity and developmental disabilities.

This resource hub is open for contributions and feedback. Simply email info (at) abilitiesmanitoba (dot) org with the subject heading “Reconciliation Hub” with a link to your resource and a brief description of its content, or with your comments on how we can do better.