We are thrilled to announce that UpHouse was selected as a Winner in the 3rd Annual Anthem Awards for the following work:
Let's Grow to Work: Direct Support Profession
Bronze Anthem Winner in Hiring Initiative
(Official Listing)
Barrier Town: Grounding a Concept in Humanity and Humour
Bronze Anthem Winner in Local Community Engagement
(Official Listing)
This is an unparalleled honour and a remarkable achievement! With over 2,000 entries from over 30 countries—and celebrated by over 25,000 people during Anthem Community Voice—the 3rd Annual Anthem Awards is one of the biggest in our history. As an Anthem Winner, UpHouse has made an incredible impact in the work we do and we are proud to have had the opportunity to partner with them.
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You can contact us at admin@abilitiesmanitoba.org or 431-688-6108.