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Annual Golf Tournament
Annual Golf Tournament
We hosted 7 Annual Golf Tournaments & raised over $200,000.00!
History of The Abilities Manitoba Annual Golf Tournament
The Abilities Manitoba Annual Golf Tournament provided an opportunity to have fun while contributing to an organization that advocates for adults with intellectual disabilities in Manitoba. We aimed to attract socially responsible businesses from across Manitoba that wanted to be known for their contribution to ensuring that every voice is heard, no matter their ability. Moreover, this event provided businesses with the opportunity to participate in entertaining team building activities and promoted healthy workplace relationships.
As Abilities Manitoba is not government funded, all proceeds from this fun-filled event have gone directly towards critical initiatives.
We continue to be filled with pride and are every bit determined to achieve our goals through the passion and hard work of our team and member organizations. Equally important have been our valued and generous sponsors that make it possible to continuously provide active support and improvements to the lives of people supported by our member organizations.
Considerable gratitude is given to our exceptional golf tournament supporter, Northway Pharmacy. They have truly gone above and beyond to make this event a huge success every year. The Northway Pharmacy team strive to not only provide their clients and patients with the best possible care available, but are also innovative in their approach to delivering that care. They are truly a great choice for an all-inclusive experience.