Chapter 4: Towards Real Work

Chapter 4: Towards Real Work

Learning Objectives:

  • Compare and contrast employment, sheltered workshops, and volunteering.
  • Discuss the implications of each for people with intellectual disabilities.
  • Develop strategies for transitioning from sheltered workshops or volunteering to competitive employment.

Understanding the differences between employment, sheltered workshops, and volunteering is crucial for advocating for the rights and opportunities of people with intellectual disabilities. Employment involves paid work with legal protections and benefits, while sheltered workshops often involve unpaid or low-paid tasks in segregated environments. Volunteering, on the other hand, is unpaid and done for community benefit.

A key goal for many advocates is to transition people from sheltered workshops and volunteer roles into competitive, integrated employment where they can earn fair wages and work alongside others in the community. This transition requires careful planning, support, and a commitment to the principles of inclusion and equality.

Table: Comparing Employment, Sheltered Workshops, and Volunteering

Aspect Employment Sheltered Workshops Volunteering
Compensation Paid at or above minimum wage Minimal to no compensation Unpaid
Setting Integrated, community-based Segregated, disability-specific Community-based, mixed settings
Legal Protections Covered by employment laws Often lacks legal protections Not covered by employment laws
Purpose Economic participation, career growth Task-oriented, often meaningless Community service, personal fulfillment
Outcome Personal and societal growth Limited opportunities for advancement Potential stepping stone to employment


  • CLDS Employment Discovery Tool
    Summary: The Community Living disABILITY Services (CLDS) seeks your input through a set of questions to understand your interest in employment, which will help you plan appropriate employment or support services with people you support.
    Link: clds-employment-discovery (
  • National Disability Institute – Transitioning to Competitive Employment
    This guide offers strategies for helping people with disabilities transition from sheltered workshops or volunteer roles to competitive employment.
    Link: National Disability Institute: Transition Guide
  • Statistics Canada - A demographic, employment and income profile of persons with disabilities, 2022
    Summary: This article provides an overview of the prevalence of disability in Canada and of the labour market participation and income of Canadians with disabilities.
    Link: Statistics Canada - Reports on Disability and Accessibility in Canada