As many of you know, a settlement was reached this past summer in the class action suit brought by David Weremy against the Manitoba Developmental Centre on behalf other survivors who have lived there. Part of the settlement provides monetary awards to people who have lived at MDC. These claims must be made by June 27, 2024 and can be made fairly simply by filling out one form. For basic claims (award $3000) there is no evidence or proof required other than identifying that someone lived there. More information and the forms to complete can be found at:

In addition, funds for counselling, psychological or psychiatric care arising from stress or trauma caused by making the claim are available. ($1500 including taxes per person). The person can either be reimbursed after counselling or may be able to arrange direct billing. All information can be found on the above website or by emailing
(Note: counselling must be done prior to June 27, 2024)